Telecommunications, Informatics, Energy and Management

TIEM 2022

Тelecommunications, Informatics, Energy and Management is a conference organized by the University of Telecommunications and Post, Sofia Bulgaria. The goal of the TIEM 2022 conference is to provide an international forum for researchers, academics, people in industry, and students to address recent research results and to present and discuss their ideas, theories, technologies, systems, tools, applications, work in progress and experiences on all theoretical and practical issues arising in telecommunications, electronics, signal processing and applications, information technologies, energy and management. The official language of the conference is English. All submitted papers will be reviewed by members of the International Scientific Committee and the corresponding author will be notified of acceptance or rejection. Accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings of Seventh International Scientific Conference “Telecommunications, Informatics, Energy and Management”.


The goal of the TIEM 2022 conference is to provide an international forum for researchers, academics, people in industry, and students to address recent research results and to present and discuss their ideas, theories, technologies, systems, tools, applications, work in progress and experiences on all theoretical and practical issues arising in telecommunications, electronics, signal processing and applications, information technologies, energy and management.

The official language of the conference is English.

All submitted papers will be reviewed by members of the International Scientific Committee and the corresponding author will be notified of acceptance or rejection. Accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Telecommunications, Informatics, Energy and Management”.